2020. It was a year like no other. Personally and professionally it was a tough year, but there were a lot of positives along the way.

Even though I photographed less weddings this year, each one was like a little victory. Every couple had to jump through some extra hoops, deal with more uncertainty, have a little more courage and be a bit more flexible to get married – but overcoming the hurdles made it all the sweeter. Some guests were there in spirit, others on zoom, facebook live and even cardboard cuts outs. Friends showed up in the pouring rain and travelled cross country in the snow just to give a socially distanced wave of support. It was without doubt the most emotional year I’ve ever experienced.

Thank you to each and every person who had me there to photograph such a milestone in your life. It’s always a privilege to witness weddings – but it was even more so this year when it was just me and a handful of family and friends. If you were part of my 2020 in any way – thank you.

“We’re in this together”

Turn up the volume and enjoy!

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