It’s Friday which can only mean one thing! Another loving and laughing..

Loving… being in London this week! I’m here for a photography convention but I came a few days early so I would have time to explore the city a little and also meet up with friends. I’ve had a great time so far and I got to visit the National Portrait Gallery (I always try to make it there – love it) and I got to see Ansel Adams‘ (a pioneer or modern photography) exhibition too.

This is not a photo opportunity

Laughing… at a scene in the movie “Paul” that I finally got around to watching. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about two sci-fi geeks who go on a road trip to the various alien sighting locations – Roswell, Area 51, etc. Along the way they meet an actual alien, Paul, and have an adventure. This scene is shortly after they meet… (clip may not be suitable for vegetarians)

That’s it for now – tune in next week!



  1. Ha Ha – I’m the first to comment (mind you it is 3.45am) and sane people are a sleep. Err, blog is looking nice – keep up the funny content and I ‘ll tell all my friends about it. Err ok I’m lying ( you know I don’t have any friends) except Tea Team. P.S I got a great idea, run a Comp-o-tism each month and if you get over 30 requests, you have to photo that subject matter, I start off this month – take a photo of a cute donkey wearing a straw hat and to prove you did, Edel’s got to be in the photo as well,
    And ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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